Scanning Electron Microscopy

SEM uses focused beams of electrons to render high resolution, three dimensional images.

SEM is particularly useful in material science for research, quality control and failure analysis.

The tests were conducted at Leeds University by Algy Kazlaucinas, Laboratory Manager, Colour Science Analytical School of Chemistry.

The pieces were examined under laboratory conditions and Mr Kazlaucinas was asked for his comments on the results:

“When viewing each individual series it is clear there is little or no disruption between the samples i.e. in all cases the level of loose fibres, or fibre disruption, is approximately the same.”

SEM was used to examine the cross section of the material before and after the Regenex process. This was done to determine whether there had been any disruption or fibrillation caused by the treatment.

Tensile Strength Testing (BS EN ISO 13934-1:2013)

The tensile strength of materials is one of the most important physical properties. This contributes to its quality as well as its life span.

The method specifies the determination of the maximum force of test specimen in equilibrium with the standard atmosphere for testing, and of test specimen in the wet state.

The tests were carried out at High Street Testing Services Limited by Laboratory Director Scott Wiseman.

The results are alongside each of the SEM pictures and clearly demonstrate no appreciable loss of strength caused by the Regenex process.

Tensile strength measurements assess the load in kg a material can take before failure. A substantial difference between the treated and untreated samples would indicate damage to the material had occurred during treatment.

Spectrophotometry Measurements

Spectrophotometry is the quantitative measurement of the reflection or transmission properties of a material as a fraction of wavelength. In general terms, spectrophotometry deals with visible light, near infra red and near ultra violet.

Each sample is measured in a different light source (D65/10, A.10, msTL84) and compared with the untreated piece.

The tests were examined under laboratory conditions at the offices of Bulmer and Lumb Group, textile processors, by Paul Hamilton,Technical Director.

Each sample was measured then visually examined and Mr Hamilton was asked for his comments on the results.

“In each case the samples which had been treated by Regenex were visually brighter and cleaner looking than those which were untreated.  This assessment was backed up by the readings.”

Spectrophotometry is a method used to measure how much a substance absorbs light. The basic principle is that each compound absorbs or transmits light over a certain range or wavelength, and so can be used to assess the whiteness and brightness of the samples, before and after treatment.

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