Bright whites and rich new colours: 2021 – we got it done!

This year was another tough one for all of us, doing our best within pandemic restrictions. But we had some good times along the way. Here’s a reminder of the high points ….

Regenex had a strong start to 2021, reporting greater success rates in recovering linen that would otherwise be condemned– with trials showing up to 83% of material returned to stock.

Buoyed by this, before the end of January we set ourselves a target to process 1,000 tonnes of linen – saving 3,000 tonnes of carbon – by the end of the year. There’s nothing like announcing your intentions to ensure you achieve them!

In February, we shared news that we had been enlisted to dye 100,000 white NHS scrubs in the appropriate colours to equip the nightingale hospitals set up to cope with the continuing coronavirus situation.

The springtime saw our relationship with a key customer, Celtic Linen, develop – and by April we were delighted to announce that we have successfully revived 1,000 tonnes of linen together.

In May we put the focus on our dyeing and overdyeing services, publishing an eight-page white paper Don’t Dump It Dye It: Getting the most out of linen with coloration, intended as a discussion starter for the sector! It certainly generated a lot of interest – and many downloads.

If you haven’t read it yet, take a look – you can download it free from our website.

In the summer we celebrated more partnerships, this time with our Welsh laundry customers and the innovative hospitality start-up uSnooz which achieved an 83.4% saving on its replacement linen costs by enlisting us.

By August, the global situation regarding linen prices and supply was intensifying, with prices rising and opportunities to purchase replacement stock disrupted. This led to more laundries, healthcare providers and hospitality brands looking to make the most of the stock they had, with the help of Regenex.

Into Autumn, we were delighted to be shortlisted for – and go on to win – the award for most innovative company at the LADAs. Simply being able to put on dinner suits, attend an event and network in person was a real treat – so to top that off by bringing home a trophy to Bradford was fantastic!

The award season rolled on and we were absolutely thrilled to be presented with a Gold Apple Award for environmental best practice at the International Green Apple Awards.

So many household names are holders of these accolades – Tesco, National Trust, Canon, Guinness, Royal Mail, Toshiba – so we’re proud to stand alongside them and have our commitment to sustainability recognised at this high level.

As 2021 drew to a close, there was little chance to slow down and reflect on how far we’d come – as we became extremely busy preparing our hospitality customers’ linens for their Christmas rush!

If you’re attending a sumptuous hotel dinner or two, or getting away for a winter break, the chances are that snowy white linen adorning dining tables, beds and bathrooms may have benefited from the patented Regenex process!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year from all of us.
